Monday, June 10, 2013

Day 26

I'm down 18lbs... Almost 1/4 what I want to lose in total. I have people starting to notice the weight loss. That makes me feel great. I also have noticed my clothes fitting much better. My husband is down 20 lbs and looks like he has lost 20 lbs. his clothes are nt as tight fitting. I am so happy we decided to do this together.

Hopefully my food comes quickly... I'm almost out!

I want to enjoy wear anything smaller than size 16.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Week 4

This has been easier then I thought. Down 14 lbs and only cheated two days. Once I cheated, I really noticed how good I felt when I was on track. Glad to be back on track. Hope to lose 6 lbs  in the next 10 days. I would love to be down 20 lbs in the first 30 days.

I ordered my next round of food. Since the soups make me a little sick, I ordered bars, pudding, brownies, and shakes.

My husband is down 14 lbs in 2 weeks! This does work.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Weekend

We made it through Memorial weekend and stayed strong. I asked my husband why he wants to lose weight... His answer was his children. He wants to play and not be winded. Run around and go down the slide with them.

My inspiration this weekend came from all the people who are skeptical. I need to prove them wrong!!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

2 weeks

Today marks 2 weeks on my Take Shape For Life journey. I am record-ably down 11 pounds. My husband who is on day 5 is down 6 pounds. We had a tough night last night. We bought some tri-tip that was horrible. All we wanted was to go get Taco Bell, call it a free night and start back today.  My husband even had keys in hand. the thought of taking another 3 days to start the fat burning again just killed me. We didn't give in and I made myself an veggie omelet. It was fine and I felt full. We finished the night with a brownie and ice water.

I want to be in all these pictures that I take of my kids. I am so sick of 1000 pictures of them and 2 of my husband and me.

Thank you TSFL for giving me the tools.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 8

It has been 1 week since I started my new journey Take Shape for Life.  It has been easier than I thought I would be.  I made it through the weekend without starving or needing fast food.  I have been a single parent this week (which is harder than I though) which has made this process a little easier.  I have not had time to think about food. My two year old and my 6 month old have taken so much of my time, that if I wouldn't have started this program, I know I would have eaten fast food all week. Instead I am down 8.8 lbs.  I feel good.  I feel great.  I was able to stick to the program for an entire week.  That is more than I have done with other diets.

I can't wait for my husband to start the program.  I want him to go through all the steps to get to a healthy weight and a healthy life.  We are doing this for our kids and family.

I want to teach my kids how to go through life with a healthy body and healthy life style.

Just in case you are not familiar with TSFL, I have not exercised at all in the past 7 days.  The weight loss has been purely food intake.

I want tobe able to look at myself in the mirror and not look away right away.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Day 5

Since my husband is out of town I thought I would struggle with this new life. It is actually the opposite. My parents came over on day 3 with Inn & Out and I had Talapia and veggies. Day 5 was my first night out. My parents wanted red robin. I went and had a chicken breast and a green salad. Grilled chicken and I even dipped my fork in the basalmic vinegar dressing. It wasn't as hard as I thought.

Down 10 pound! Feeling entergetic and happy.

I want to shop in any store in the mall for clothes. I can do this!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Day 1 & 2

Every blog, news story, and even my coach says the first three days are miserable. Your body is screaming for lots of fatty calories. You go through calorie, salt, and chocolate withdrawals. I am glad everyone told me how hard it is... So Far it doesn't seem that bad. I have been busy at work and chasing kids at home. I am hungry sure, but usually it is time for another meal. The food isn't that bad. Really, I have been eating such crappy fatty food that now when eating the Medifast meal, which don't taste like carl's Jr., I am done eating once the meal is gone. If I was eating my normal food, I would finish mine and try my husband's too, but with this food I feel satisfied once the meal is complete.
  I have also been surprised how much food you actually get for the lean and green meal. 6 ounces of chicken is quite a bit. The hardest part for me is the vegetables. I need to learn what kind and how to cook the vegetables suggested. My go to has always been carrots, corn, and green beans, but those are the highest in carbs. You are supposed to stay away from them in the first stage.

I keep telling myself that I want to get out of maternity clothes. I have a closet full of clothes I can't fit into. I can do this!

Day: 1
Vanilla shake
Peanut butter bar
Mac and cheese
S'more's bar
6 ounces chicken, zucchini, squash, and peppers
Chocolate pudding

Day: 2
Mixed fruit cereal
Strawberry shake
Chocolate bar
Chicken soup
Basil Talapia, mushrooms, and peppers
Chocolate chip cookie